Simple Rotifer Culture Guide

Welcome to rotifer cultivation! This guide will help you grow rotifers using your Reefphyto Rotifer Culture Kit.

What You Need

- Container (3-10 liters)
- Air pump and airline (included in kit)
- Saltwater
- Reefphyto Rotifer Feed
- Container cover
- Fine mesh (included in kit) or sieve

Setting Up Your Culture

  1. Fill your container halfway with clean saltwater (specific gravity 1.019-1.021)
    2. Connect the airline to your air pump
    3. Place the airline in the container - no airstone needed
    4. Add Reefphyto Rotifer Feed until water turns leafy green
    5. Add your starter rotifers
    6. Cover the container loosely

Harvesting Your Rotifers

When to Harvest

- Best time is early morning before feeding
- Culture should look healthy with green-tinted water
- Wait until culture is well-established (usually 6-8 days after starting)

Harvesting Steps

1. Turn off air pump
2. Wait 5 minutes for rotifers to spread evenly in water
3. Hold mesh over a clean container
4. Slowly pour culture through mesh
5. Gently rinse rotifers on mesh with clean saltwater
6. Use harvested rotifers immediately

After Harvesting

1. Replace removed water with fresh saltwater
2. Turn air pump back on
3. Add feed until water returns to light green color
4. Monitor culture for next few hours to ensure recovery

Daily Care

1. Check the water color
2. Add more feed if water becomes clear
3. Make sure air pump is running
4. Keep at room temperature

Every Two Weeks

1. Change 50% of the water
2. Clean container sides
3. Remove any buildup from bottom

Going on Holiday?

1. Put 1 liter of culture in a container
2. Add extra feed until dark green
3. Place in refrigerator
4. When back, return to room temperature and resume normal care

Tips for Success

- Don't overfeed - water should be light to medium green
- Keep away from direct sunlight
- Change water regularly
- Use clean seawater, never aquarium water
- Keep covered to prevent evaporation

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