Breeding clownfish and caring for their eggs is a fascinating and rewarding process. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you through this journey:

1. Setting Up the Breeding Tank

Size: A 2030 gallon tank is usually sufficient.

  • Water Conditions: Maintain a temperature of 7779°F, pH levels between 8.18.4, and salinity around 1.0201.026.
  • Filtration: Use a sponge filter or any system that doesn't create strong currents.
  • Anemones: While not essential, having an anemone provides a natural environment for clownfish to spawn.

2. Choosing and Introducing Clownfish

  • Pair Formation: Clownfish are protandrous hermaphrodites. Buy a small group and let them pair naturally, or introduce a proven pair.
  • Observation: Look for signs of pairing like swimming together and pre-spawning behaviour (cleaning a surface).

3. Feeding

  • Diet: Provide a varied diet of high quality frozen foods, pellets, and live foods.
  • Frequency: Feed 23 times a day in small quantities to ensure optimal health and spawning readiness. The live and dry foods you require are available on the Reefphyto website

4. Spawning

  • Triggering Spawning: Consistent light cycles, stable water conditions, and good nutrition can encourage spawning.
  • Spawning Site: Clownfish typically clean a flat surface (like a rock or tile) to lay eggs.

5. Egg Care

  • Observation: Eggs are initially bright orange and become more translucent as they develop, usually hatching in 68 days.
  • Protection: In a community tank, protect the eggs with a clear acrylic cover.

6. PostHatch Care

  • Larval Tank: Prepare a separate tank for the larvae with gentle filtration.
  • Feeding Larvae: Initially feed with rotifers, then gradually introduce newly hatched brine shrimp.
  • Water Quality: Maintain pristine water conditions with regular, small water changes.

7. Growing Out

  • Tank Conditions: As fry grow, they can be moved to a larger grow out tank with similar water conditions.
  • Feeding: Gradually introduce a varied diet as they grow.

8. Monitoring and Troubleshooting

  • Health Monitoring: Regularly check for signs of disease or stress.
  • Behavioural Observations: Watch for changes in behaviour, which can indicate issues with water quality or health.

9. Ethical Considerations

  • Responsible Breeding: Breed responsibly and avoid overbreeding.
  • Conservation: Be aware of the conservation status of the wild populations of clownfish.

10. Documentation and Learning

  • Record Keeping: Keep detailed records of water parameters, breeding dates, and growth.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay informed about the latest practices in marine aquarium care and clownfish breeding.


Breeding clownfish can be a complex but immensely satisfying endeavour. It requires patience, careful monitoring, and a commitment to providing the best possible environment for your fish.